MEDJUGORAC Tihomir : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 LANGLOIS Yannick 1112 913 4 2 199
2 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 LECAVALIER Mario 1112 1130 9 4 -18
3 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 ST-AMOUR Charles 1112 809 2 1 303
4 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 SULLY Aleus 1112 1062 6 3 50
5 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 BARADHY Ray 1112 814 3 1 298
6 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 TOURANGEAU Gérald 1112 1071 7 3 41
7 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 BARADHY Ray 1112 814 3 1 298
8 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 KAM-THONG Frederic 1112 100 0 0 1012 T Sig
9 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 MARTIN Pierre-Yves 1112 100 0 0 1012 T Sig
10 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 ST-AMOUR Charles 1112 809 2 1 303
11 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 BERGERON-LARUE Maxime 1112 949 4 2 163
12 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 LANGLOIS Yannick 1161 865 3 1 296
13 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 COULOMBE Frédéric 1161 963 4 2 198
14 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 LANGLOIS Yannick 1161 865 3 1 296
15 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 GAGNON-BELANGER Eve 1161 707 1 0 454
16 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 LIEW Juliza Ari Liany 1161 876 0 1 285 T Sig
17 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 PROULX Nicolas 1161 955 3 1 206
18 Inter-City League 226 GALLANT Annie 826 979 17 8 -153
19 Inter-City League 226 RAMIREZ Santiago 826 855 10 5 -29
20 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 THIBODEAU Yannick 826 931 14 7 -105
21 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 GAGNON Vincent 826 1154 30 15 -328
22 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 CHENIER Robert 826 858 10 5 -32
23 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 LEMAY Martin 826 707 5 2 119
24 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 MASSON-RATEL Laurent 826 733 6 3 93
25 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 CHOUTEAU David 826 1309 40 20 -483
26 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 CHENIER Robert 826 858 10 5 -32
27 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 LE VAN LONG Maurice 826 100 0 0 726 T Sig
28 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 AUGUSTYNIAK Maciej 826 100 0 0 726 T Sig
29 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 HAMILTON Eugene 826 1048 22 11 -222
30 Sherbrooke Open 226 RAMIREZ Santiago 826 855 10 5 -29
31 Sherbrooke Open 226 DUFRESNE Jordane 826 1128 30 15 -302
32 Sherbrooke Open 226 DUMOULIN Félix 826 779 7 3 47
33 Sherbrooke Open 226 HAMELIN Steve 826 880 12 6 -54
34 Sherbrooke Open 226 LABRECQUE Stéphanie 826 722 5 2 104
35 Sherbrooke Open 226 HIVERT Guillaume 826 626 3 1 200
36 Sherbrooke Open 226 TIAN Meiri 826 719 5 2 107
37 Sherbrooke Open 226 BERNIER Sophie 826 860 10 5 -34
38 Sherbrooke Open 226 LABRECQUE Stéphanie 826 722 5 2 104
39 Sherbrooke Open 226 PINTEA James 826 1133 30 15 -307
40 Sherbrooke Open 226 HAMELIN Steve 826 880 12 6 -54
41 Sherbrooke Open 226 RAMIREZ Santiago 826 855 10 5 -29
42 Inter-City League 226 STEFANCIC Danny 826 2202 50 25 -1376
43 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 CHONG Kevin 826 394 2 1 432
44 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 MACDONALD Alex 826 339 0 0 487
45 Coupe Letendre 222 HAMELIN Steve 837 805 7 3 32
46 Coupe Letendre 222 COULOMBE Frédéric 837 762 6 3 75
47 STIGA Circuit #6 220 LEMIRE Joëlle 866 680 4 2 186
48 STIGA Circuit #6 220 SULLY Aleus 866 1095 22 11 -229
49 STIGA Circuit #6 220 THIBODEAU Yannick 866 779 6 3 87
50 STIGA Circuit #5 219 ROBINETTE Pier-Luc 889 894 9 4 -5
51 STIGA Circuit #5 219 LEMIRE Vincent 889 901 9 4 -12
52 STIGA Circuit #5 219 KLEIN Gary A. 889 382 1 0 507
53 STIGA Circuit #4 218 QUIN QUIS Keaven 883 811 6 3 72
54 STIGA Circuit #4 218 NGUYEN Huynh Khoi 883 669 3 1 214
55 STIGA Circuit #4 218 LANGLOIS Yannick 883 630 3 1 253
56 STIGA Circuit #4 218 HENEAULT-BRUNET Laurent 883 653 3 1 230
57 STIGA Circuit #4 218 SULLY Aleus 883 1026 14 7 -143
58 STIGA Circuit #4 218 SULLY Aleus 883 1026 14 7 -143
59 STIGA Circuit #3 217 BONIN William 884 905 9 4 -21
60 STIGA Circuit #3 217 HENEAULT-BRUNET Laurent 884 614 3 1 270
61 STIGA Circuit #2 216 RAMIREZ Santiago 902 803 6 3 99
62 STIGA Circuit #2 216 SABOURIN Antoine 902 633 3 1 269
63 STIGA Circuit #2 216 ZAHARIA Dominik 902 637 3 1 265
64 STIGA Circuit #2 216 KLEIN Gary A. 902 333 1 0 569
65 STIGA Circuit #1 215 LABRECQUE Stéphanie 916 718 4 2 198
66 STIGA Circuit #1 215 HOCKLEY Patrick 916 659 3 1 257
67 STIGA Circuit #1 215 GIGUERE Aleck 916 853 6 3 63
68 STIGA Circuit #1 215 FORTIN Alexandre 916 835 6 3 81
69 Challenge CHOPS 211 BELLEAU Roger 917 834 6 3 83
70 Challenge CHOPS 211 CALDERON Luis 917 691 3 1 226
71 Challenge CHOPS 211 FERLAND Jonathan 917 817 5 2 100
72 Challenge CHOPS 211 HAMELIN Steve 917 603 2 1 314
73 Challenge CHOPS 211 LEMIRE Joëlle 917 591 2 1 326
74 Challenge CHOPS 211 LEMIRE Vincent 917 974 12 6 -57
75 Challenge CHOPS 211 PERCICH Walter 917 843 6 3 74
76 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 CHENIER Robert 917 781 5 2 136
77 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 FORTIN Alexandre 917 713 3 1 204
78 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 FORTIN Jonathan 917 898 8 4 19
79 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 IOUTSIS Viatcheslav 917 1048 14 7 -131
80 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 SLAVIN Vladimir 917 1112 0 8 -195 T Sig
81 STIGA Big Bang 210 ASSI Nazih 923 766 4 2 157
82 STIGA Big Bang 210 CHAN Chung Wang 923 1016 0 6 -93 T Sig
83 STIGA Big Bang 210 FLEURANT Hugo 923 690 3 1 233
84 STIGA Big Bang 210 LUO Anqi 923 1217 22 11 -294
85 STIGA Big Bang 210 SANTA MARIA Jonathan 923 601 2 1 322
86 STIGA Circuit #5 209 GIGUERE Aleck 912 705 3 0 207 T Sig
87 STIGA Circuit #5 209 LABRECQUE Stéphanie 912 582 2 0 330 T Sig
88 STIGA Circuit #5 209 HOLMES Wesley 912 481 1 0 431 T Sig
89 STIGA Circuit #5 209 CADOTTE Hubert 912 373 1 0 539 T Sig
90 STIGA Circuit #5 209 GAUVREAU Maurice 912 1135 22 0 -223 T Sig
91 STIGA Circuit #5 209 EL-KHOURY Joseph 912 804 5 0 108 T Sig
92 STIGA Circuit #5 209 BOULE Daniel 912 691 3 0 221 T Sig
93 STIGA Circuit #5 209 CARON Sylvain 912 540 2 1 372 T T
94 STIGA Circuit #5 209 TAM Simon 912 969 12 0 -57 T Sig























MEDJUGORAC Tihomir loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 STIGA Circuit #5 209 BELANGER Julien 898 912 0 4 -14 T Sig
2 STIGA Circuit #5 209 CHERDOUANE Sofiane 820 912 0 6 -92 T Sig
3 STIGA Circuit #5 209 CHOUTEAU David 929 912 0 4 17 T Sig
4 STIGA Circuit #5 209 CHOUTEAU David 929 912 0 4 17 T Sig
5 STIGA Circuit #5 209 GASIGWA Gaëtan 1212 912 0 1 300 T Sig
6 STIGA Circuit #5 209 POTVIN Mario 1227 912 0 1 315 T Sig
7 STIGA Circuit #5 209 POTVIN Mario 1227 912 0 1 315 T Sig
8 STIGA Circuit #5 209 ROUSSEAU-EMOND Vincent 728 912 0 8 -184 T Sig
9 STIGA Circuit #5 209 VAILLANCOURT Lukas 690 912 0 11 -222 T Sig
10 STIGA Big Bang 210 BONIN William 752 923 17 8 -171
11 STIGA Big Bang 210 BRUNELLE-MARINEAU Jules 1060 923 5 2 137
12 STIGA Big Bang 210 BRUNELLE-MARINEAU Jules 1060 923 5 2 137
13 STIGA Big Bang 210 CADOTTE Hubert 465 923 40 20 -458
14 STIGA Big Bang 210 CHERDOUANE Sofiane 926 923 8 4 3
15 STIGA Big Bang 210 GASIGWA Gaëtan 1166 923 3 1 243
16 STIGA Big Bang 210 HOLDRINET Gabriel 1370 923 1 0 447
17 Challenge CHOPS 211 BLUTEAU François 921 917 8 4 4
18 Challenge CHOPS 211 CHEN Anthony 919 917 8 4 2
19 Challenge CHOPS 211 DUFRESNE Jordane 766 917 17 8 -151
20 Challenge CHOPS 211 FORTIN Alexandre 713 917 22 11 -204
21 Challenge CHOPS 211 GAGNON Vincent 974 917 6 0 57 T Sig
22 Challenge CHOPS 211 GIGUERE Aleck 792 917 14 7 -125
23 Challenge CHOPS 211 GUILLEMETTE Jean-Luc 671 917 22 11 -246
24 Challenge CHOPS 211 NIGAM Milan 1026 917 5 2 109
25 Challenge CHOPS 211 ROUSSEAU-EMOND Vincent 915 917 9 4 -2
26 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 FLEURY Jean-François 1170 917 3 1 253
27 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 GAGNE Marc-André 884 917 10 5 -33
28 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 GAGNE Marc-André 884 917 10 5 -33
29 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 HARDY Guillaume 1407 917 1 0 490
30 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 JACQUES David 2772 917 1 0 1855
31 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 LABONTE Martin 970 917 6 3 53
32 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 LACHANCE Étienne 1096 917 4 2 179
33 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 MORENCY-TRUDEL Juan 1777 917 1 0 860
34 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 ROUSSY Jean-François 2886 917 1 0 1969
35 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 SLAVIN Vladimir 1112 917 4 0 195 T Sig
36 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 WON Briant 1966 917 1 0 1049
37 Thetford Mines Rotation 211 YAMAKAZI Joji 3173 917 1 0 2256
38 STIGA Circuit #1 215 ABRAM Hugues 909 916 9 4 -7
39 STIGA Circuit #1 215 RAMIREZ Santiago 698 916 22 11 -218
40 STIGA Circuit #1 215 B. DESLAURIERS Roxane 1376 916 1 0 460
41 STIGA Circuit #1 215 VIOLETTE Gabrielle 1204 916 3 1 288
42 STIGA Circuit #1 215 BLUTEAU François 975 916 6 3 59
43 STIGA Circuit #1 215 MONTOYA-GARRO Mariana 1104 916 4 2 188
44 STIGA Circuit #1 215 SIEMASZKO Michael 1069 916 4 2 153
45 STIGA Circuit #1 215 BELANGER Julien 1186 916 3 1 270
46 STIGA Circuit #1 215 BONIN William 797 916 14 7 -119
47 STIGA Circuit #1 215 NIGAM Milan 1069 916 4 2 153
48 STIGA Circuit #2 216 CHERDOUANE Sofiane 1035 902 5 2 133
49 STIGA Circuit #2 216 PROULX Stéphanie 663 902 22 11 -239
50 STIGA Circuit #2 216 THERIAULT Mathieu 1565 902 1 0 663
51 STIGA Circuit #2 216 FLEURY Jean-François 1174 902 3 1 272
52 STIGA Circuit #2 216 GASIGWA Gaëtan 1162 902 3 1 260
53 STIGA Circuit #2 216 GIGUERE Aleck 894 902 9 4 -8
54 STIGA Circuit #2 216 LEMBO Corrado 969 902 6 3 67
55 STIGA Circuit #2 216 KLEIN Daniel 1269 902 2 1 367
56 STIGA Circuit #2 216 ZHAO Zi Yue Lolo 1104 902 3 1 202
57 STIGA Circuit #2 216 ZHENG Shannon 778 902 14 7 -124
58 STIGA Circuit #3 217 HAMELIN Steve 745 884 14 7 -139
59 STIGA Circuit #3 217 GAGNON Vincent 1027 884 5 2 143
60 STIGA Circuit #3 217 FORTIN Martin-Louis 1513 884 1 0 629
61 STIGA Circuit #3 217 DE LA SABLONNIERE-GRAVEL Gabrielle 1222 884 2 1 338
62 STIGA Circuit #3 217 GASIGWA Gaëtan 1159 884 3 1 275
63 STIGA Circuit #3 217 GIGUERE Aleck 992 884 5 2 108
64 STIGA Circuit #4 218 BLUTEAU François 1115 883 3 1 232
65 STIGA Circuit #4 218 PROVENCHER David 668 883 22 11 -215
66 STIGA Circuit #4 218 DECARY Jeff 976 883 6 3 93
67 STIGA Circuit #4 218 LANGLOIS Jean-Philippe 1463 883 1 0 580
68 STIGA Circuit #4 218 MONTOYA-GARRO Mariana 1241 883 2 1 358
69 STIGA Circuit #4 218 BLUTEAU François 1115 883 3 1 232
70 STIGA Circuit #4 218 CALDERON Luis 1107 883 3 1 224
71 STIGA Circuit #4 218 FORTIN Alexandre 913 883 7 3 30
72 STIGA Circuit #4 218 NIGAM Milan 1078 883 4 2 195
73 STIGA Circuit #4 218 LEMBO Corrado 969 883 6 3 86
74 STIGA Circuit #4 218 ZAHARIA Dominik 674 883 22 11 -209
75 STIGA Circuit #5 219 BLUTEAU François 1098 889 3 1 209
76 STIGA Circuit #5 219 PROULX Stéphanie 753 889 14 7 -136
77 STIGA Circuit #5 219 CADOTTE Hubert 645 889 22 11 -244
78 STIGA Circuit #5 219 PEPIN-LEBLOND Samuel 578 889 30 15 -311
79 STIGA Circuit #5 219 GASIGWA Gaëtan 1462 889 1 0 573
80 STIGA Circuit #5 219 MONTOYA-GARRO Cristina 1032 889 5 0 143 T Sig
81 STIGA Circuit #5 219 LECAVALIER Mario 1102 889 3 1 213
82 STIGA Circuit #5 219 GAGNON Vincent 1065 889 4 2 176
83 STIGA Circuit #5 219 KLEIN Daniel 1492 889 1 0 603
84 STIGA Circuit #5 219 ZHENG Shannon 919 889 7 3 30
85 STIGA Circuit #5 219 SEVIGNY Myriam 1010 889 5 2 121
86 STIGA Circuit #6 220 YEUNG Kam-Tong 754 866 14 7 -112
87 STIGA Circuit #6 220 PROULX Nicolas 839 866 10 5 -27
88 STIGA Circuit #6 220 MO Chen Ming 681 866 17 8 -185
89 STIGA Circuit #6 220 BELANGER Julien 1359 866 1 0 493
90 STIGA Circuit #6 220 BROUILLETTE David 1298 866 1 0 432
91 STIGA Circuit #6 220 DECARY Jeff 1066 866 3 1 200
92 STIGA Circuit #6 220 YEUNG Klement 414 866 40 20 -452
93 STIGA Circuit #6 220 YEUNG Kam-Tong 754 866 14 7 -112
94 STIGA Circuit #6 220 HENEAULT-BRUNET Laurent 887 866 8 4 21
95 STIGA Circuit #6 220 HOCKLEY Patrick 769 866 12 6 -97
96 STIGA Circuit #6 220 QUIN QUIS Keaven 958 866 6 3 92
97 Coupe Letendre 222 ROUSSEAU-EMOND Vincent 1221 837 2 1 384
98 Coupe Letendre 222 GIGUERE Aleck 1135 837 3 1 298
99 Coupe Letendre 222 COULOMBE Annie 609 837 22 11 -228
100 Coupe Letendre 222 VARY Jean-François 586 837 22 11 -251
101 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 ERSKINE Wayne 1495 826 1 0 669
102 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 GREGORY Mark 2269 826 1 0 1443
103 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 WONG Louis 2307 826 1 0 1481
104 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 FU Connie 1123 826 5 2 297
105 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 GREENOUGH David 1706 826 1 0 880
106 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 GREGORY Wade 1602 826 1 0 776
107 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 LANDRY Gilles 1694 826 1 0 868
108 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 MARTELL Alan 1968 826 1 0 1142
109 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 MICHAUD Michel 1912 826 1 0 1086
110 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 TANJOUR Mazen 2470 826 1 0 1644
111 Canadian Senior Chmps 223 POINTON Craig 2395 826 1 0 1569
112 Inter-City League 226 THERIAULT Mathieu 1903 826 1 0 1077
113 Inter-City League 226 PINTEA James 1133 826 2 1 307
114 Inter-City League 226 XIA Xinde 1686 826 1 0 860 T Sig
115 Inter-City League 226 DECARY Jeff 1223 826 2 1 397
116 Inter-City League 226 WONG Louis 2403 826 1 0 1577
117 Inter-City League 226 SEGUIN-LEBLANC François 2259 826 1 0 1433
118 Inter-City League - Montreal 226 LAU Dave Kin Ngai 2352 826 1 0 1526
119 Inter-City League - Montreal 226 GAO Sam 2159 826 1 0 1333
120 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 MONTOYA-GARRO Mariana 1485 826 1 0 659
121 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 DUFRESNE Jordane 1128 826 2 1 302
122 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 PINTEA James 1133 826 2 1 307
123 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 BEN David 889 826 6 3 63
124 Pioneers Circuit #1 226 CHOUTEAU David 1309 826 1 0 483
125 Sherbrooke Open 226 PINTEA James 1133 826 2 1 307
126 Sherbrooke Open 226 MEDJUGORAC Marko 1095 826 3 1 269
127 Sherbrooke Open 226 BEN David 889 826 6 3 63
128 Sherbrooke Open 226 GONZALES Gabriel 924 826 6 0 98 T Sig
129 Sherbrooke Open 226 DUMOULIN Félix 779 826 10 5 -47
130 Sherbrooke Open 226 DUFRESNE Jordane 1128 826 2 1 302
131 Inter-City League 226 XIA Xinde 1686 826 1 0 860 T Sig
132 Inter-City League 226 WILSON Desmond 2493 826 1 0 1667
133 Inter-City League 226 BOU Ponn 2384 826 1 0 1558
134 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 ABRAM Hugues 1484 1161 2 1 323
135 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 FORTIN Jonathan 1222 1161 6 3 61
136 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 WATTERS Samuel 777 1161 30 15 -384
137 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 TIAN Meiri 875 1161 22 11 -286
138 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 GONZALES Gabriel 853 1161 30 15 -308
139 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 DUMOULIN Félix 1037 1161 14 7 -124
140 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 SEVIGNY Myriam 1210 1161 7 3 49
141 Circuit Pioneers #2 227 COULOMBE Frédéric 963 1161 17 8 -198
142 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 DAVID Emmanuel 1456 1112 2 1 344
143 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 PINTEA James 1554 1112 1 0 442
144 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 SLIMANI Mohamed Amin Zakaria 1066 1112 10 5 -46
145 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 TIAN Meiri 939 1112 17 8 -173
146 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 PARADIS PLOURDE Étienne 847 1112 22 11 -265
147 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 BERGERON-LARUE Maxime 949 1112 17 8 -163
148 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 BERGERON-LARUE Maxime 949 1112 17 8 -163
149 Circuit Pioneers #3 228 BERGERON-LARUE Maxime 949 1112 17 8 -163