CARON Curtis : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 ** Truro Marathon 277 BUCKLEY Brian 457 514 18 16 -57
2 ** George Bissett Jr Marathon 267 HEBB Ryan 296 388 18 16 -92
3 ** George Bissett Jr Marathon 267 ROSS Danny 296 395 18 16 -99
4 * NS Leagues 263 WEBBER Coady 162 409 18 16 -247
5 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 EASSON Jeff 585 589 20 16 -4
6 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 SAVAGE Conor 585 574 20 16 11
7 * NS League 292 KING Jim 1126 1450 20 18 -324
8 * NS League 292 KING Jim 1126 1450 20 18 -324
9 * NS Leagues 301 PERIGO Richard 1307 1632 20 18 -325
10 * NS Leagues 301 KHARENKO Mikhail 1307 1651 20 18 -344
11 * NS Leagues 303 PEERS Steve 1453 1772 20 18 -319
12 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 AHSAN Umar 1378 1484 21 19 -106 T Sig
13 ** NS Closed 292 ZHAO Yonggan 1126 1236 21 19 -110
14 ** Hebbville Junior Circuit 275 EASSON Jeff 413 515 21 19 -102
15 * NS Leagues 293 KHARENKO Mikhail 1065 1587 22 20 -522
16 * NS Leagues 293 KENT Tyler 1065 1990 22 20 -925
17 * NS Leagues 293 ERSKINE Wayne 1065 1498 22 20 -433
18 * NS Leagues 291 MARTELL Alan 978 1702 22 20 -724
19 * NS Leagues 287 REDDEN Danny 726 1165 22 20 -439
20 * NS Leagues 287 KHARENKO Mikhail 726 1613 22 20 -887
21 * NS Leagues 287 YUEN Brian 726 1206 22 20 -480
22 * NS Leagues 301 PEERS Steve 1307 1772 22 20 -465
23 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 PERIGO Richard 1378 1568 24 22 -190
24 ** PEI Open 303 YOUNKER Alex 1453 1613 24 22 -160
25 ** Canning Marathon 304 GAO Robert 1426 1609 24 22 -183
26 ** Canning Marathon 304 WANG Shun Tian 1426 1624 24 22 -198
27 ** Truro Marathon 287 NAKAMURA Yuki 726 877 24 22 -151
28 *** PARA Cdn Chmps 288 CHRISTIE Alex 907 970 24 21 -63
29 ** NS Closed 292 FISHER Joe 1126 1320 24 22 -194
30 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 YEUNG Terence 585 614 25 21 -29
31 ** NKEC Marathon 291 YUEN Brian 978 1186 27 25 -208
32 ** NKEC Marathon 291 CAMPBELL Andrew 978 1217 27 25 -239
33 ** Atlantic Championships 293 LEE Kibeom 1065 1348 27 25 -283
34 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 NELWAN Lauw 1378 1580 27 25 -202
35 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 WANG Shun Tian 1378 1612 27 25 -234
36 ** NSAAF Provincials 293 LIEBOLD Fabian 1065 1529 33 31 -464
37 ** Bissett Junior Tournament 290 LIEBOLD Fabian 952 1459 33 31 -507
38 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 GOOSENS Stéphane 978 1610 33 31 -632
39 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 MARTELL Alan 978 1702 33 31 -724
40 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 POUDRIER Réal 1230 1649 55 50 -419
41 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 POUDRIER Réal 1230 1649 55 50 -419
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CARON Curtis loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * NS Leagues 304 RUDOLPH Darren 1788 1426 2 1 362
2 * NS Leagues 304 ERSKINE Wayne 1471 1426 7 6 45
3 * NS Leagues 304 GREENOUGH David 1678 1426 3 2 252
4 ** Canning Marathon 304 KHARENKO Mikhail 1690 1426 5 3 264
5 ** Canning Marathon 304 CHRISTIE Alex 1240 1426 24 22 -186
6 ** Canning Marathon 304 NELWAN Lauw 1531 1426 8 6 105
7 ** Canning Marathon 304 BEG Ali 1481 1426 9 7 55
8 **** Canada Winter Games 304 Lehmann Matthew 2537 1426 3 0 1111
9 **** Canada Winter Games 304 SU Lida 1062 1426 50 45 -364
10 **** Canada Winter Games 304 FENG Dave 758 1426 55 50 -668
11 **** Canada Winter Games 304 HO Bryan 2898 1426 3 0 1472
12 **** Canada Winter Games 304 MO Chen Ming 2438 1426 3 0 1012
13 * NS Leagues 303 GREENOUGH David 1700 1453 3 2 247
14 * NS Leagues 303 ERSKINE Wayne 1426 1453 10 8 -27
15 * NS Leagues 303 MORRISEY Brandon 1126 1453 20 18 -327
16 * NS Leagues 303 SHIELS Leigha 871 1453 22 20 -582
17 * NS Leagues 303 RUDOLPH Darren 1792 1453 2 1 339
18 * NS Leagues 303 KHARENKO Mikhail 1660 1453 3 2 207
19 * NS Leagues 303 PERIGO Richard 1523 1453 6 5 70
20 ** Bissett Junior Tournament 303 CHRISTIE Alex 1189 1453 27 25 -264
21 ** Bissett Junior Tournament 303 STUBBINGS Garrett 1119 1453 30 28 -334
22 ** PEI Open 303 GREGORY Todd 2604 1453 2 0 1151
23 ** PEI Open 303 MACMILLAN Josh 1811 1453 3 1 358
24 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 YOUNKER Alex 1536 1378 6 4 158
25 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 DECOSTE Andy 1629 1378 5 3 251
26 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 302 LEE Kibeom 1339 1378 15 13 -39
27 * NS Leagues 302 RUDOLPH Darren 1778 1378 2 1 400
28 * NS Leagues 302 MORRISEY Brandon 1015 1378 20 18 -363
29 * NS Leagues 302 SHIELS Leigha 822 1378 22 20 -556
30 ** Truro Marathon 301 BEG Ali 1519 1307 5 3 212
31 * NS Leagues 301 GREENOUGH David 1667 1307 2 1 360
32 * NS Leagues 301 RUDOLPH Darren 1855 1307 1 0 548
33 * NS Leagues 301 STUBBINGS Garrett 965 1307 20 18 -342
34 * NS Leagues 301 MORRISEY Brandon 947 1307 20 18 -360
35 * NS Leagues 301 MORRISEY Brandon 947 1307 20 18 -360
36 * NS Leagues 301 STUBBINGS Garrett 965 1307 20 18 -342
37 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 CHRISTIE Alex 1076 1230 40 36 -154
38 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 KENT Ian 2332 1230 3 0 1102
39 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 KENT Ian 2332 1230 3 0 1102
40 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 MOJTAHED Masoud 1756 1230 3 0 526 T Sig
41 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 PELLETIER Martin 1604 1230 5 2 374
42 **** PARA Canadian Chmps 300 Syed Asad Hussain 1863 1230 3 0 633
43 * NS Leagues 300 CARON Liam 472 1230 22 20 -758
44 * NS Leagues 300 PEERS Steve 1768 1230 1 0 538
45 * NS Leagues 300 PERIGO Richard 1628 1230 2 1 398
46 * NS Leagues 300 KING Jim 1403 1230 4 3 173
47 * NS Leagues 300 MORRISEY Brandon 879 1230 20 18 -351
48 * NS Leagues 300 RUDOLPH Darren 1873 1230 1 0 643
49 * NS Leagues 296 MORRISEY Brandon 847 1242 20 18 -395
50 ** NSAAF Provincials 293 MACMILLAN Josh 1761 1065 2 0 696
51 ** Atlantic Championships 293 HISCOCK Nick 1449 1065 3 1 384
52 ** Atlantic Championships 293 HISCOCK Nick 1449 1065 3 1 384
53 ** Atlantic Championships 293 MACMILLAN Josh 1761 1065 2 0 696
54 * NS Leagues 293 KENT Tyler 1990 1065 1 0 925
55 * NS Leagues 293 NELWAN Lauw 1522 1065 1 0 457
56 * NS Leagues 293 MORRISEY Brandon 793 1065 18 16 -272
57 * NS Leagues 293 RUDOLPH Darren 1840 1065 1 0 775
58 * NS League 292 RUDOLPH Darren 1859 1126 1 0 733
59 * NS League 292 REDDEN Danny 1132 1126 8 6 6
60 * NS League 292 KENT Tyler 1965 1126 1 0 839
61 * NS League 292 RUDOLPH Darren 1859 1126 1 0 733
62 * NS League 292 MARTELL Alan 1661 1126 1 0 535
63 * NS League 292 GREENOUGH David 1688 1126 1 0 562
64 * NS League 292 BEG Ali 1530 1126 1 0 404
65 * NS League 292 CHRISTIE Alex 1187 1126 6 5 61
66 * NS League 292 CRAAN Stephane 1289 1126 4 3 163
67 * NS League 292 STUBBINGS Garrett 840 1126 18 16 -286
68 * NS League 292 CHRISTIE Alex 1187 1126 6 5 61
69 * NS League 292 STUBBINGS Garrett 840 1126 18 16 -286
70 * NS League 292 RUDOLPH Darren 1859 1126 1 0 733
71 ** NS Closed 292 RUDOLPH Darren 1859 1126 2 0 733
72 ** NS Closed 292 CRAAN Stephane 1289 1126 6 4 163
73 ** NS Closed 292 MACMILLAN Josh 1699 1126 2 0 573
74 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 DING Josephine 1073 1126 18 16 -53
75 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 JEAN Camille 966 1126 24 22 -160
76 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 BOLDUC Jean-François 968 1126 24 22 -158
77 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 PERION Cédric 972 1126 24 22 -154
78 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 FOURNIER Émile 1315 1126 6 4 189
79 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 BARIL Raphael 808 1126 30 28 -318
80 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 SICARD Pierre 792 1126 30 28 -334
81 ** 2014 Big Bang 292 YAHI Innel 817 1126 30 28 -309
82 ** NKEC Marathon 291 WAPLES David 1315 978 3 1 337
83 ** NKEC Marathon 291 SHEN Bin 1160 978 6 4 182
84 ** NKEC Marathon 291 CHRISTIE Alex 989 978 12 10 11
85 * NS Leagues 291 NELWAN Lauw 1363 978 2 1 385
86 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 GREENOUGH David 1776 978 2 0 798
87 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 RUDOLPH Darren 1822 978 2 0 844
88 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 CRAAN Stephane 1327 978 3 1 349
89 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 FISHER Joe 1296 978 3 1 318
90 ** Cape Breton Marathon 291 EASSON Peter 640 978 30 28 -338
91 ** Bissett Junior Tournament 290 MACMILLAN Josh 1637 952 2 0 685
92 ** Bissett Junior Tournament 290 CHRISTIE Alex 986 952 11 9 34
93 ** Bissett Junior Tournament 290 SHIELS Leigha 815 952 21 19 -137
94 * NS League 290 STUBBINGS Garrett 814 952 14 12 -138
95 * NS League 290 PERIGO Richard 1598 952 1 0 646
96 * NS League 290 REDDEN Danny 1140 952 4 3 188
97 * NS League 290 KING Jim 1473 952 1 0 521
98 * NS League 289 ERSKINE Wayne 1489 953 1 0 536
99 * NS League 289 KHARENKO Mikhail 1463 953 1 0 510
100 * NS League 289 MARTELL Alan 1704 953 1 0 751
101 * NS League 289 NELWAN Lauw 1336 953 2 1 383
102 ** Truro Marathon 287 STUBBINGS Garrett 811 726 9 7 85
103 ** Truro Marathon 287 DOUCETTE Denver 872 726 8 6 146
104 * NS Leagues 287 KING Jim 1470 726 1 0 744
105 * NS Leagues 287 STUBBINGS Garrett 811 726 6 5 85
106 * NS Leagues 287 SHIELS Leigha 781 726 6 5 55
107 * NS Leagues 287 MORRISEY Brandon 681 726 10 8 -45
108 * NS Leagues 287 ERSKINE Wayne 1442 726 1 0 716
109 * NS Leagues 287 MARTELL Alan 1707 726 1 0 981
110 * NS Leagues 287 PERIGO Richard 1642 726 1 0 916
111 ** Easson Transport Marathon 286 STUBBINGS Garrett 718 671 11 9 47
112 * NS Leagues 286 PERIGO Richard 1627 671 1 0 956
113 * NS Leagues 286 REDDEN Danny 1170 671 1 0 499
114 * NS Leagues 286 CHRISTIE Scott 922 671 3 2 251
115 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 RAMIREZ Santiago 2086 585 3 0 1501
116 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 Schroeder Colin 692 585 13 9 107
117 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 ROUSSEAU-EMOND Vincent 2806 585 3 0 2221
118 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 2272 585 3 0 1687
119 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 LUU Johnnie 1317 585 3 0 732
120 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 HO Bryan 2143 585 3 0 1558
121 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 RAMIREZ Santiago 2086 585 3 0 1501
122 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 WONG Gladwin 1237 585 3 0 652
123 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 CHAN Jacob 818 585 8 5 233
124 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 Schroeder Colin 692 585 13 9 107
125 **** Butterfly Junior Canadian Chmps 283 Tran Jeremy 994 585 3 0 409
126 * NS Leagues 282 MORRISEY Brandon 570 493 6 5 77
127 * NS Leagues 282 STUBBINGS Garrett 751 493 3 2 258
128 * NS Leagues 282 MORRISEY Brandon 570 493 6 5 77
129 ** Atlantic Closed 282 EASSON Peter 637 493 8 6 144
130 ** Atlantic Closed 282 CHRISTIE Alex 887 493 3 1 394
131 ** Atlantic Closed 282 MACMILLAN Josh 1347 493 2 0 854
132 * NS League 281 MORRISEY Brandon 553 508 7 6 45
133 * NS League 281 STUBBINGS Garrett 669 508 4 3 161
134 * NS League 281 SHIELS Leigha 592 508 6 5 84
135 * NS League 281 CRAIG Emily 306 508 18 16 -202
136 * NS League 281 STUBBINGS Garrett 669 508 4 3 161
137 * NS League 281 MACMILLAN Josh 1334 508 1 0 826
138 * NS League 281 STUBBINGS Garrett 669 508 4 3 161
139 * NS League 281 CHRISTIE Alex 580 508 6 5 72
140 * NS League 281 EASSON Jeff 415 508 12 10 -93
141 * NS League 281 RODENHISER Ryan 455 508 12 10 -53
142 ** GBES Junior Marathon 281 BENJAMIN Dylan 497 508 12 10 -11
143 ** GBES Junior Marathon 281 SIBLEY Lindsay 477 508 15 13 -31
144 ** GBES Junior Marathon 281 RODENHISER Ryan 455 508 18 16 -53
145 ** GBES Junior Marathon 281 BABINEAU Shawn 438 508 18 16 -70
146 ** Doctors NS Closed 281 RUDOLPH Darren 1828 508 2 0 1320
147 ** Doctors NS Closed 281 WANG Shun Tian 1263 508 2 0 755
148 ** Doctors NS Closed 281 EASSON Peter 576 508 9 7 68
149 ** Doctors NS Closed 281 MATTHEWS Jamie 600 508 9 7 92
150 ** Doctors NS Closed 281 MORRISEY Brandon 553 508 11 9 45
151 ** Doctors NS Closed 281 MACMILLAN Josh 1334 508 2 0 826
152 ** Big Bang 2013 280 FLEURY Jean-François 927 555 3 1 372
153 ** Big Bang 2013 280 CUCHIRITA Adina Maria 721 555 6 4 166
154 ** Big Bang 2013 280 SHIAO Ann 678 555 8 6 123
155 ** Big Bang 2013 280 LAFORTUNE-CAZALE Charles 532 555 12 10 -23
156 ** Big Bang 2013 280 OVIDE Handy 591 555 11 9 36
157 ** Big Bang 2013 280 PICHE Stephane 480 555 18 16 -75
158 ** Big Bang 2013 280 BENJAMIN Dylan 577 555 12 10 22
159 ** Big Bang 2013 280 RODENHISER Ryan 533 555 12 10 -22
160 ** Big Bang 2013 280 LIN Austin Yimin 872 555 3 1 317
161 * MB Leagues 279 STUBBINGS Garrett 750 540 3 2 210
162 * MB Leagues 279 CARON Liam 353 540 16 13 -187
163 ** Easson Open 278 BENJAMIN Dylan 461 519 18 16 -58
164 ** Easson Open 278 SAVAGE Conor 565 519 11 9 46
165 * NS Leagues 277 STUBBINGS Garrett 676 457 3 2 219
166 * NS Leagues 277 SHIELS Leigha 620 457 4 3 163
167 * NS Leagues 277 CARON Liam 294 457 16 13 -163
168 * NS Leagues 277 SAVAGE Conor 522 457 6 5 65
169 * NS Leagues 277 BRIGGS Emma 352 457 14 12 -105
170 ** Truro Marathon 277 BENJAMIN Dylan 422 457 15 13 -35
171 ** Truro Marathon 277 EASSON Peter 450 457 12 10 -7
172 * NS Leagues 276 MUNDLE Evan 420 428 8 0 -8 T Sig
173 * NS Leagues 276 WEBBER Coady 313 428 14 12 -115
174 * NS Leagues 276 STUBBINGS Garrett 608 428 4 3 180
175 * NS Leagues 276 ADAMSKI Perris 250 428 16 13 -178
176 ** Atlantic Open 276 HISCOCK Nick 1175 428 2 0 747
177 ** Atlantic Open 276 STUBBINGS Garrett 608 428 6 4 180
178 ** Hebbville Junior Circuit 275 DUKESHIRE Brie 702 413 5 3 289
179 ** Hebbville Junior Circuit 275 RODENHISER Ryan 530 413 8 6 117
180 ** Hebbville Junior Circuit 275 SIBLEY Lindsay 510 413 9 7 97
181 ** Hebbville Junior Circuit 275 SAVAGE Conor 503 413 9 7 90
182 ** Hebbville Junior Circuit 275 STUBBINGS Garrett 474 413 9 7 61
183 * NS Leagues 275 SANFORD Jake 390 413 8 6 -23
184 * NS Leagues 275 SAVAGE Conor 503 413 6 5 90
185 * NS Leagues 275 WEBBER Coady 339 413 12 10 -74
186 * NS Leagues 273 SANFORD Sonya 116 445 20 18 -329
187 * NS Leagues 273 O'HEARN Morgan 736 445 3 2 291
188 * NS Leagues 273 SANFORD Jake 340 445 14 12 -105
189 * NS Leagues 272 MORRISEY Brandon 470 439 7 6 31
190 * NS Leagues 272 DROZDOWSKI Mikhail 303 439 14 12 -136
191 **** Para Cdn. Chmps 272 CESAR Shawn 270 439 40 0 -169 T Sig
192 **** Para Cdn. Chmps 272 OSEI-BONSU Francis 659 439 8 0 220 T Sig
193 **** Para Cdn. Chmps 272 POUDRIER Réal 1696 439 3 0 1257
194 * NSSAF Capital 270 FENG Tianqi 376 424 10 0 -48 T Sig
195 * NSSAF Capital 270 SAVAGE Conor 543 424 5 0 119 T Sig
196 ** NS Closed 269 STUBBINGS Garrett 264 420 24 0 -156 T Sig
197 ** NS Closed 269 BENJAMIN Dylan 360 420 18 16 -60
198 ** NS Closed 269 O'BALL Ben 478 420 9 0 58 T Sig
199 ** Trophy Hut Open 268 JIANG Yefang 1245 387 2 0 858
200 ** Trophy Hut Open 268 RODENHISER Ryan 454 387 9 7 67
201 ** Trophy Hut Open 268 EASSON Peter 322 387 18 16 -65
202 ** Trophy Hut Open 268 HIRIUCHI Mayu 277 387 21 0 -110 T Sig
203 ** George Bissett Jr Marathon 267 WEBBER Coady 376 296 9 7 80
204 ** George Bissett Jr Marathon 267 SIBLEY Lindsay 350 296 9 7 54
205 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 266 TIPERT Josh 253 279 15 13 -26
206 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 266 CARON Liam 215 279 18 16 -64
207 ** Middle Musq. Marathon 266 DROZDOWSKI Mikhail 285 279 12 10 6
208 * NS League 266 MCKENNA Jacob 121 279 16 13 -158
209 * NS League 266 DROZDOWSKI Mikhail 285 279 8 6 6
210 * NS Leagues 264 LOHNES Devon 381 275 5 4 106
211 * NS Leagues 264 CRAIG Emily 237 275 10 8 -38
212 * NS Leagues 263 BRIGGS Emma 299 162 5 4 137
213 * NS Leagues 263 WEBBER Coady 409 162 3 2 247
214 * NS Leagues 263 CRAIG Emily 216 162 6 5 54
215 * NS Leagues 263 DEYOUNG Jessica 303 162 5 4 141
216 * NS League 261 BRIGGS Emma 287 159 5 4 128 Sig
217 * NS League 261 SANFORD Sonya 162 159 8 6 3 Sig
218 * NS League 259 WEBBER Coady 387 122 3 0 265 T T
219 * NS League 259 SANFORD Sonya 130 122 8 6 8 T Sig
220 * NS League 259 DEYOUNG Jessica 172 122 7 6 50 T Sig
221 * NS League 259 BRIGGS Emma 287 122 4 3 165 T Sig
222 * NS League 259 RANSOME Marcedes 224 122 5 4 102 T Sig
223 * NS League 257 MARSTON Ben 200 118 6 0 82 T T
224 * NS League 257 RANSOME Marcedes 200 118 6 0 82 T T