Deng Yunyang : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB National Trials 270 Chow Gordon 349 160 4 3 189
2 * MB National Trials 270 Chang Anwyl 349 201 5 4 148
3 * MB National Trials 270 Yu Victor 349 285 6 5 64
4 * MB National Trials 270 Makinano Euwe 349 113 3 2 236
5 ** Tournament of Champions 269 Tran Jeremy 303 620 30 28 -317
6 ** Tournament of Champions 269 Yu Victor 303 304 12 10 -1
7 * MB Leagues 269 Chang Anwyl 303 213 6 5 90
8 * MB Leagues 269 Yu Victor 303 304 8 6 -1
9 * MB Leagues 269 Lehmann Mark 303 141 4 3 162
10 * MB Leagues 269 Wong Carol-Jean 303 184 5 4 119
11 * MB Leagues 269 He Nichol 303 191 5 4 112
12 ** Manitoba Open 268 Schroeder Colin 248 132 8 6 116 T Sig
13 ** Manitoba Open 268 Su Shaelynn 248 100 8 6 148 T Sig
14 ** Manitoba Open 268 Vong Jasmine 248 100 8 6 148 T Sig
15 ** Manitoba Open 268 Schroeder Colin 248 132 8 6 116 T Sig
16 * MB League 268 He Nichol 248 195 6 5 53
17 * MB League 268 Su Kaitlyn 248 100 5 4 148 T Sig
18 * MB League 268 Su Shaelynn 248 100 5 4 148 T Sig
19 * MB League 268 He Nichol 248 195 6 5 53
20 * MB League 268 Yu Victor 248 280 10 8 -32
21 * MB League 268 Chang Anwyl 248 165 6 5 83
22 * MB League 268 He Nichol 248 195 6 5 53
23 ** Golden Boy Open 267 He Nichol 240 178 9 7 62
24 ** Golden Boy Open 267 He Nichol 240 178 9 7 62
25 * MB League 267 He Nichol 240 178 6 5 62
26 * MB League 267 Chang Anwyl 240 186 6 5 54
27 * MB League 267 Lehmann Mark 240 124 5 4 116 T Sig
28 * MB League 267 Su Shaelynn 240 112 5 4 128 T Sig
29 * MB League 267 Su Kaitlyn 240 100 5 4 140
30 * MB League 267 He Nichol 240 178 6 5 62
31 * MB League 267 He Nichol 240 178 6 5 62
32 * MB League 266 Yu Victor 245 215 7 6 30
33 * MB League 266 Lehmann Mark 245 100 5 4 145 T Sig
34 * MB League 266 Yu Victor 245 215 7 6 30
35 * MB League 266 He Nichol 245 149 6 5 96
36 ** Red River Open 265 Chow Gordon 216 122 9 7 94 T Sig
37 ** Red River Open 265 YE Annie 216 265 15 13 -49
38 ** Red River Open 265 Makinano Euwe 216 145 9 7 71
39 ** MB Closed 264 Su Shaelynn 163 100 9 0 63 T T
40 ** MB Closed 264 Makinano Euwe 163 100 9 0 63 T Sig
41 ** MB Closed 264 He Nichol 163 141 12 0 22 T Sig
42 ** MB Closed 264 163 100 9 0 63 T T
43 ** MB Closed 264 Su Kaitlyn 163 100 9 0 63 T T
44 ** MB Closed 264 Wong Carol-Jean 163 100 9 0 63 T T
45 ** MB Closed 264 Makinano Euwe 163 100 9 0 63 T Sig























Deng Yunyang loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB League 270 Liu Tina 592 349 3 2 243
2 ** Tournament of Champions 269 Lehmann Matthew 1698 303 2 0 1395
3 ** Tournament of Champions 269 Tran Naomi 527 303 5 3 224
4 * MB Leagues 269 Kim Kihyun 552 303 3 2 249
5 * MB Leagues 269 Zaki Manuel 862 303 1 0 559
6 * MB Leagues 269 Liu Tina 544 303 3 2 241
7 * MB Leagues 269 Jiang Peter 719 303 1 0 416
8 * MB Leagues 269 Tran Naomi 527 303 3 2 224
9 * MB Leagues 269 Tran Jeremy 620 303 2 1 317
10 * MB Leagues 269 Liu Tina 544 303 3 2 241
11 * MB Leagues 269 Tantakoun Tiffany 324 303 8 6 21
12 * MB Leagues 269 Tantakoun Tiffany 324 303 8 6 21
13 ** Manitoba Open 268 Li Becky 1407 248 2 0 1159
14 ** Manitoba Open 268 Jiang Peter 686 248 2 0 438
15 ** Manitoba Open 268 Tran Jeremy 585 248 3 1 337
16 ** Manitoba Open 268 Lehmann Matthew 1648 248 2 0 1400
17 ** Manitoba Open 268 Tran Jeremy 585 248 3 1 337
18 * MB League 268 Hua Keith 759 248 1 0 511
19 * MB League 268 Tran Naomi 526 248 3 2 278
20 * MB League 268 Tantakoun Tiffany 282 248 7 6 34
21 * MB League 268 Yu Victor 280 248 7 6 32
22 * MB League 268 1263 248 1 0 1015
23 * MB League 268 Tran Jeremy 585 248 2 1 337
24 * MB League 268 Tran Naomi 526 248 3 2 278
25 * MB League 268 Wong Mickey 541 248 3 2 293
26 ** Golden Boy Open 267 Li Becky 1389 240 2 0 1149
27 ** Golden Boy Open 267 NGUYEN Phuong 569 240 3 1 329
28 ** Golden Boy Open 267 Jia Beixi 379 240 8 6 139
29 ** Golden Boy Open 267 RYBAK Michal 1520 240 2 0 1280
30 ** Golden Boy Open 267 Tran Naomi 517 240 5 3 277
31 ** Golden Boy Open 267 Martens Rene 572 240 3 0 332 T Sig
32 * MB League 267 Chang Cam 425 240 4 3 185
33 * MB League 267 Yu Victor 208 240 10 8 -32
34 * MB League 267 Tran Naomi 517 240 3 2 277
35 * MB League 267 Tran Norman 542 240 2 1 302
36 * MB League 267 Walker Morley 487 240 3 2 247
37 * MB League 267 Tantakoun Tiffany 231 240 8 6 -9
38 * MB League 267 Liu Tina 550 240 2 1 310
39 * MB League 267 Tantakoun Tiffany 231 240 8 6 -9
40 * MB League 267 Chang Cam 425 240 4 3 185
41 * MB League 267 Liu Tina 550 240 2 1 310
42 * MB League 267 Tantakoun Tiffany 231 240 8 6 -9
43 * MB League 266 Walker Morley 373 245 5 4 128
44 * MB League 266 He Nichol 149 245 12 10 -96
45 * MB League 266 Tran Jeremy 557 245 2 1 312
46 * MB League 266 Liu Tina 560 245 2 1 315
47 * MB League 266 Walker Morley 373 245 5 4 128
48 * MB League 266 He Nichol 149 245 12 10 -96
49 ** Red River Open 265 Friebus Waldemar 658 216 2 0 442
50 ** Red River Open 265 Chang Cam 453 216 5 3 237
51 ** Red River Open 265 Li Becky 1342 216 2 0 1126
52 ** Red River Open 265 Jiang Peter 588 216 3 1 372
53 ** MB President's Cup Qualifier 265 RYBAK Michal 1530 216 2 0 1314
54 ** MB President's Cup Qualifier 265 YE Huan 1031 216 2 0 815
55 ** MB Closed 264 Lehmann Matthew 1436 163 2 0 1273 T Sig
56 ** MB Closed 264 Tantakoun Tiffany 185 163 12 10 22 T Sig
57 ** MB Closed 264 Buda Sergiu 824 163 2 0 661 T Sig
58 ** MB Closed 264 Cheung Yu 1257 163 2 0 1094 T Sig
59 ** MB Closed 264 Tran Naomi 435 163 5 3 272 T Sig
60 AlexTT/DONIC Jr. Canadian Chmps 260 FINOL CANTIN Martin 704 100 3 0 604 T Sig
61 AlexTT/DONIC Jr. Canadian Chmps 260 HAN Jason Xiangxin 100 100 20 0 0 T T
62 AlexTT/DONIC Jr. Canadian Chmps 260 HO Bryan 911 100 3 0 811 T Sig
63 AlexTT/DONIC Jr. Canadian Chmps 260 LIU Jason 803 100 3 0 703 T Sig
64 AlexTT/DONIC Jr. Canadian Chmps 260 XU Tommy 496 100 5 2 396 T Sig
65 AlexTT/DONIC Jr. Canadian Chmps 260 ZHAO Dylan W 521 100 3 0 421 T Sig
66 Red River Open 240 Huang Alan 1613 100 0 0 1513 T Sig
67 Red River Open 240 HU David 100 100 8 4 0 T T
68 Red River Open 240 Massey John 100 100 8 4 0 T T
69 Red River Open 240 Alibegov Teimour 326 100 3 1 226 T T
70 Red River Open 240 Tran Norman 401 100 2 1 301 T T
71 Red River Open 240 Han Lily 100 100 8 4 0 T T