MIKOLAJCZYK Martin : wins the following matches and loses these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * JP Club League 328 Masesar Melvin 159 100 6 0 59 T T Sig
2 * JP Club League 328 Munia Czeslaw 159 100 6 0 59 T T Sig
3 * JP Club League 328 Cichosz Zbigniew 159 100 6 0 59 T T Sig
4 * JP Club League 328 Mielczarek Kazimierz 159 100 6 0 59 T T Sig
5 * John Pritchard League 269 Walker Morley 353 485 14 12 -132























MIKOLAJCZYK Martin loses the following matches and wins these matches

Event   VS W
Diff T
1 * MB Club League 336 Munia Czeslaw 223 183 7 0 40 T Sig
2 * MB Club League 336 Cichosz Zbigniew 120 183 12 10 -63 Sig
3 * JP Club League 328 Munia Czeslaw 100 159 12 0 -59 T T Sig
4 * JP Club League 328 Cichosz Zbigniew 100 159 12 0 -59 T T Sig
5 * MB Club Leagues 308 Eng Garry 486 100 2 1 386 T Sig
6 * MB Club Leagues 308 KOKAN Don 1303 100 1 0 1203 T Sig
7 * MB Club Leagues 308 Eng Garry 486 100 2 1 386 T Sig
8 * MB Club Leagues 308 Cichosz Zbigniew 208 100 5 0 108 T T
9 * MB Club League 279 WIEWIORA Andrzej 982 100 1 0 882 T Sig
10 * MB Club League 279 WIEWIORA Andrzej 982 100 1 0 882 T Sig
11 * MB Club League 279 Zimolag Richard 479 100 2 0 379 T T
12 * MB Club League 279 Toews Larry 379 100 3 2 279 T Sig
13 * MB Club League 279 WIEWIORA Andrzej 982 100 1 0 882 T Sig
14 * MB Club League 279 WIEWIORA Andrzej 982 100 1 0 882 T Sig
15 * MB Club League 279 Krepky Genedy 200 100 6 0 100 T T
16 * MB Club Leagues 276 WIEWIORA Andrzej 978 100 1 0 878 T Sig
17 * John Pritchard League 269 WIEWIORA Andrzej 973 353 1 0 620
18 * John Pritchard League 269 WIEWIORA Andrzej 973 353 1 0 620
19 * John Pritchard League 269 Gan Kangfei 812 353 1 0 459
20 * John Pritchard League 269 WIEWIORA Andrzej 973 353 1 0 620