commitment . determination . success
Referee Seminar - Carbonear, Newfoundland and Labrador

Congratulations are extended to all participants in the recent weekend course. Six candidates attended the course that was offered by Joe Fisher in Newfoundland and Labrador. The six candidates were all successful with the “B” level certification.  They will continue on acquiring full certification after the submission of their “draw” and the completion of the Provincial Umpire Exam. 

The candidates came from all regions of Newfoundland.  Only one candidate represented St. John’s, NL which is 110 km way from Carbonear.  Others were driving from central and western regions that were 4-6 hours from the site.  These six individuals were dedicated and will see NL move forward in the future.  Congratulations, once again.

top row - left to right - Mark Warren, Barry Hicks, John Ping, Kenny Curlew
sitting - left to right   - Joe Fisher, Elahe Shekari, Steven Perry